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In a diseased tooth, the pulp may get infected or damaged



The cause are usually tooth decay and sometimes, trauma or gum disease.


It is possible to treat the root canals, which means preserving a tooth, even in advanced cases and with a complete resolution the infection and pain

What causes pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp)?

Inside of every tooth, there is a neurovascular bundle in the root canals, which provides nutrition and innervation to a healthy tooth. With the development of a cavity, if the infection enters the canal, an inflammatory process develops, and bacteria, their waste products and pus accumulate in the root canals of the tooth. Symptoms such as acute, excruciating pain develop, depriving a person of sleep and the ability to engage in habitual activities, which becomes the reason for an immediate visit to a doctor.

Why perform a root canal treatment?

Cavity is a serious tooth problem that should not be ignored and requires treatment. The treatment of cavities proceeds in several stages, one of which is the removal of the infected root canals. The main indication for root canal treatment is the development of pulpitis and periodontitis (inflammatory lesion in the periodontal tissues) due to a deep cavity, and in some cases - tooth trauma, asymptomatic pulp necrosis (death of the nerve tissues). 

Stages of root canal filling

Root canal treatment in our clinic is carried out in several stages :

  • drilling a tooth, removing old fillings to provide access to the canal;

  • removal of the affected dentin, pulp and other organic tissues, accumulated pus and cleaning the canal;

  • preparation for filling;

  • installation of a seal using a sealing material.

Before the treatment, Dr. Gunitskiy administers local anesthesia to completely eliminating painful discomfort during the procedure. Before and after treatment, X-rays are carried out to make sure that the canals are completely filled with filling material.

Root canal treatment methods

Three methods are used to clean the canals : manual, machine followed by an endo-activator:

  • the manual method involves the use of special dental instruments, which are called files and look like needles;

  • the machine method is carried out using tools made of nickel-titanium alloy. The main advantage of the method is cleaning the canal without changing its anatomical structure;

  • endo-activator cleaning has recently begun to be used and involves washing the canal using a special antiseptic solution under the influence of ultrasound, this process quickly kills all bacteria in the root canal system.

Dr. Gunitskiy uses all three systems at each for each procedure to fulfill his obligation of providing his patients with the highest success rates of root canal treatment possible! 

Other features of the procedure and factors affecting quality treatment

During treatment, Dr. Gunitskiy use a special apparatus call an apex locator, with which the length of the root canals are measured precisely. This allows Dr. Gunitskiy to efficiently seal even hard-to-reach areas of the canal. At the end of each treatment an X-ray will be carried out to confirm the complete seal of the canals and the success of the treatment.

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Gunitskiy Family Dentistry

1117 Adelaide St. N, London, ON

Tel. (519) 433-2088

Fax (519) 433-5031


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